Sunday, March 16, 2014

Creamy the Cream Chow Chow Puppy

Creamy the cream chow chow puppy
Creamy at 9 weeks

Meet Cream-Bear also known as Creamy! #9weeks old

Creamy is a purebred cream chow chow. I think she is the cutest thing in the world with her blue tongue and her round body. All she does is pee everywhere possible, eats anything she can swallow and sleeps where ever she feels tired.

If you’re interested in getting a chow puppy, I would highly recommend it. From my experience, they are fun, sulky, clumsy and hungry! They aren’t the most responsive or obedient breed but are great fun. Yet, still trainable. They won’t destroy your garden but will excessively drool on everything!  

However, be aware of all their known health issues. If you don’t keep an eye out for early signs of symptoms or diseases, it could be one costly trip to the vet. If you have the money, pet insurance is the way to go.

Creamy the bear rug!


Creamy's first night

Like all puppies, Creamy was a nightmare on the first night. She wouldn’t stop crying/barking/peeing and at one point, I really thought she was screaming! At first, I thought she was having separation anxiety and scared of being alone but when I was in the same room, the crying didn’t even stop.  That’s how horrible it got. At 3am, I was losing my mind! I didn’t know what to do. Then there was silence... four hours later! So don’t be discouraged when it comes to your puppy’s first night, just remind yourself, it gets better as each day goes by. Plus, they are worth it!

Creamy's sleepy to keep both eyes open!
By the fourth night, Creamy didn't mind sleeping on her own. She didn't even sleep on the puppy bed or in the dog house I got her. She just slept where ever she was at the time, on the grass, in the bathroom, living room, my room, sun room etc! (As I recall, the breeder who I got her off told me not to waste my money on pet bedding, so it might be a personal trait that the chow chows prefers the cool tiles/ground)

Puppy School

I think it's an awesome idea to socialize your chow chow puppy at a young age. That way you can see if they have an aggressive temperament or a friendly nature. It teaches them how to interact with other puppies/dogs which they will eventually associate with people but most importantly, children. (You wouldn't want your fully grown chowbear attacking a child or anyone ever!) Also, it's a fun activity you and your puppy can do together.

Creamy doing the sit command (I'm the proudest mummy!!! ^_^)
In puppy school, Creamy learned how to sit, drop, stay and shake hands over the course of 5 weeks. I must admit, it wasn't easy teaching Creamy all these commands but persistence is the key to success. It was really hard to keep Creamy focus on the commands in class. All she wanted to do was play with the other puppies. So after class, I would try to teach her one command per day with puppy treats as the reward until she mastered it. Sit was the first. However, I would only teach her for 15 minutes per day. If she didn't get it within the 15 minutes, I would continue this command for the next day. I was a proud mummy when Creamy mastered it within 2 days.

 Creamy is the happiest puppy!

 After the sit command came drop. The way I taught Creamy this command was with the hand signal of a gun and when I shot Creamy and saying the word "Bang" at the same time, she would drop. It took her 3 days to differentiate drop from sit but she eventually got there.

Creamy looking more like a mini bear!


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